I can see you!

The man behind Optica La Mar

To tell the story of Georg Klaus Seidel, who was born on October 7, 1960, we have to travel back in time. The anecdotes of his tumultuous life, which are just as colourful and unique as he is, could easily fill a book. Instead, what follows is a short version of his life and what brought him to the island of Ibiza.

As a toddler, Georg, whose father Georg Werner Seidel was an optician with a large chain of shops, spent a few years at the royal court of Thailand. He later went to school in Waiblingen, Germany, and although he hadn’t initially planned to follow in his father’s footsteps, he trained as an optician. He got joy and satisfaction from helping people to see again.


Big in Japan

After completing his education, he spent a year in Japan, where he learned the strict teachings of service and respect. Thanks to his love of water and his talent for windsurfing, he became European Vice-Champion and featured in advertisements for world-famous brands such as Mistral, Windglider and F2.

About Georg Optica La Mar Ibiza Japan
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Optica La Mar

Georg or Georgie, as his customers and friends like to call him, was at home anywhere in the world. He worked as a hotel entertainer, surf and diving instructor, car dealer and caretaker, and experienced his share of ups and downs. When his father wanted to retire, George returned to his job as an optician, ready to take over the business.
In 1996, he saw an advertisement that read: “Opticians for sale in the Balearic Islands” and, being unhappy in Germany, he decided to travel to Ibiza. He spent the first few days at sea before buying the small shop on the promenade of Santa Eulària. Optica La Mar was born!

Since then, Georg has made a name for himself through his conscientious work and his flair for fashion and trends from beyond the island. Customers from all over the world, such as Saudi Arabia’s Prince Abdul and former F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone, have “entrusted their sight to him”. But it isn’t only celebrities who visit his shop: his customers also include foreign residents, Ibicencos and holidaymakers, all of whom are happy and grateful at being able to see all the great things in life again.

Optica La Mar Ibiza Georg Seidel 3
Optica La Mar Ibiza Georg Seidel 5

His passion

Despite being almost 60, Georg still manages the shop himself.
This, coupled with his expertise and ability to perfectly match glasses with faces, has made him a very loved character, with customers who have remained loyal to him over the years.

His passion is to help people see the colours of life again and show them that glasses can be more than a simple visual aid – they are also pieces of jewellery and cool lifestyle accessories.
The most important thing for him is that his customers return because this shows that he did everything right.



